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  • Analgesic support for the cervical spine.
  • Torticollis
  • Benign Sprains 
  • Cervical Arthritis 



  • Common or recuring low back pain.
  • Stress compensation in the event of muscular imbalance.
  • Stabilization and posture correcction for sports professions.
  • Scoliosis in elderly patients 


  • Functional treatments of mild sprains
  • Resumption of occupational activities and sport after sprains
  • Chronic hyperlaxity


  • Mild, moderate or servere sprains of the lateral ligaments
  • Lower tibiofibular sprain
  • Resumption of sports


  • Elbow injuries, epicondylitis or epitrochleitis
  • Arm muscle injuries
  • Scapula fracture
  • Shoulder tendon injusries
  • Hemiplegic shoulder (Flaccid)


  • Mild sprains of the wrist (functional treatment)
  • Tendinitis and tendon disorders of the wrist
  • Inflammatory phases of rheumatic diseases
  • Neck and Spinal Orthoses or braces are used to restrict mobility, provide support or do both in order to heal injuries, reduce pain, provide support during pre-operative and post-operative stages of a spinal problem and to treat spinal disorders or deformities. At MSMOP, our goal is to fit you with the right Orthotic brace that will relieve your pain and get you to a comfortable state.

    Types and Features

    Cervical Collars (neck orthoses):
     Cervical Collars help you with mild cervical sprain, strain, whiplash, muscular weakness, post-operative stabilization, stable cervical fractures, degenerative pathologies, arthritis, cervical and high thoracic injuries, low cervical and high thoracic fracture or injury management. We can help advice you on and fit you with the right orthosis for your condition.


    Spinal Orthoses:
    Spinal orthoses or braces are prescribed for Low back pain, lumbar stenosis, post-operative stabilization, lumbar strains/sprains and disc herniations. You could choose from a chairback orthosis or an elastic lumbosacral binder. We will explain to you the functions and features of each of the braces and advice you on what you should be using. We custom fit you with a spinal brace that helps you most.


    TLSO/LSO Orthoses: TLSO(Thoraco-Lumbo-Sacral Orthosis)/LSO(Lumbo-Sacral Orthosis) orthoses are custom made for you if you are suffering from thoracic and lumbar fracture management, post-operative stabilization, spinal stenosis and degenerative pathologies. Generally a Custom TLSO Body Jacket is used to alleviate the conditions. At GSMOP, we provide only the best care for you, and our orthotists help you make the best choice to relieve your pain.


    Jewett and Cash Braces: These braces are used for thoracic and lumbar compression fractures, post-operative stabilization and osteoporosis. A Custom made CASH—(Cruciform Anterior Spinal Hyper-Extension) Orthosis is the best option for these conditions and GSMOP provides you with it. Our orthotist evaluates your condition and then provides you with the best option.



    Corsets: Corsets are prescribed to you when you have thoracic and lumbar chronic back pain, osteoarthritis or Sacroiliac dysfunction. GSMOP provides you with custom made Thoracolumbar Corset/Support and SI (Sacroiliac) Orthosis for these conditions. Our orthotists make your pain and discomfort the first priority and help you keep it in check.



  • Upper limb orthoses are externally applied devices that help restore or improve function and also fix structural characteristics of the nervous and the musculoskeletal systems. Our goal at MSMOP is to fit you with the appropriate orthosis so that you have maximum support and comfort. Our expert orthotist will help reduce your pain, provide relief and make your feel comfortable above all.

    Types and Features

    Shoulder Abduction Orthoses:

    Shoulder abduction orthoses are used for rotator cuff repairs, shoulder capsule injury, glenohumeral dislocation and/or subluxation, soft tissue injury and/or repair and also for clavicle fractures. At MSMOP, our professional orthotists evaluate your needs and accordingly custom fit you with a shoulder abduction orthosis. You could be fitted with an abduction sling, a clavicle strap or an elastic shoulder immobiliser. Whatever it maybe, you can rest assured that our orthotists will take care of your shoulder injury so that it heals properly and restores your health.

    Elbow Orthoses:

    Fracture braces are used for mid ulnar or radial fractures, wrist and hand fractures, distal humeral fractures, proximal radial and/or ulnar fractures and post-operative or post-cast stabilization. These are available in both semi-rigid and rigid forms according to the need and the type of fracture. GSMOP can advice you on exactly which type of fracture brace you will need. We can fit you with an off the shelf brace or custom design one for you. We will make sure that your pain is minimised and maximum support is provided for you to heal.

    Wrist Hand Orthosis:

    If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, wrist sprain/strain or post-fracture management, you would need a wrist hand orthosis. It is also used for wrist and hand contracture management. These orthoses could be used during rest or during activities, depending on the kind of injury you have suffered. Our competent orthotists at GSMOP can help fit you with the appropriate orthosis so that your injury heals well and you can return to your daily life without hindrances.

    Resting Hand Splints:

    These kinds of orthoses are used to treat Paralysis, contracture management, spasticity, post-operative management and also Carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, wrist sprain/strain and post-fracture management. At GSMOP we might fit you with a Rest Wrist Hand splint, a Thumb Spica splint or a Cock-up Wrist splint, according to your injury and needs. We will evaluate your condition and then fit you with an orthosis that helps you heal and get back to daily activities.

    There are also several other upper limb orthoses options that We could fit you with if according to his expert opinion, you require it. Your best interests are our motivations. We will help you heal the best way we can.

  • Lower limb orthotics are external devices that are attached or applied to a lower limb to improve function by providing support, controlling motion, reducing pain, correcting deformities and preventing progression of deformities. At MSMOP, our goal is to provide you with the best lower limb orthosis that would help you restore functionality to your legs. Our expert team helps you get back to activities that your ailments or injuries were holding you back from.

    Types and Features

    Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO):

    The AFO is used to treat various neuromuscular (nerve and muscle) diseases and disorders and to also provide functionality after an injury or a surgery. AFOs aim is to eliminate the problems related to foot-to-ground placement that affect foot clearance and heel contact. It is also prescribed to restore stability to the foot during the swing and stance phases of walking, and to compensate for thigh muscle weakness so that the knee does not buckle due to weakness. Our MSMOP orthotists evaluate your condition and then fit you with the appropriate ankle foot orthosis. Depending on your condition, you could be fitted with a Static AFO, Dynamic AFO, Foot Drop Splint, Hinged Ankle AFO, Flexible AFO, Tubular AFO, Gauntlet AFO or Fixed AFO. CPO provides you with customised and fabricated AFOs that suit your particular and specific needs.

    Foot Orthosis:

    A foot orthosis would be prescribed to you if you have had recent injuries, or fractures or partial amputation. It also helps with post operative management and to prevent, correct or accommodate foot deformities. GSMOP provides you with the options of custom shoes and fracture boots and a variety of shoe liners that will help you restore function to your foot. Our orthotist will guide you during the process and will only fit you with the best orthosis for your condition.

    Knee Orthosis:

    Knee orthoses is the best option for you if you are facing knee instability, joint contracture and/or tightness, moderate to severe ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), MCL (medial collateral ligament), and LCL (lateral collateral ligament) instabilities, unicompartmental knee osteoarthritis, ligament instability, post operative knee stability and various other knee related disorders and deformities. We will guide you and custom fit you with an orthosis according to your needs that would help lessen your pain enable you to be active again.

    Custom Insoles & Shock Absorb Support Inserts:

    A lot of us have standing jobs and that makes our feet bear the brunt of it all and more often than not they become one of our most neglected body parts. Whether it is your job or all the activities that you do such as running, playing sports, or working out at the gym, or even ageing, your feet are getting affected and that’s